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Article ID: 4493
Last updated: 08 Oct, 2012
What is the WRIOT-2?
The purpose of the Wide Range Interest and Occupation Test - Second Edition (WRIOT2) is straightforward. It helps people choose a satisfying career. Occupational interests are among the most useful characteristics in determining an individual's career choice and their overall happiness (Scharf, 1997). The WRIOT2 is an important tool for career selection because it provides participants with:
•A better understanding of themselves
•The types of jobs/work they prefer (e.g., Art, Sales, Clerical, Food Service, Cleaning, Build & Repair, etc.)
•Their pattern of likes and dislikes among work-related activities (e.g., working with people vs. working with things; working indoors vs. working outdoors, etc.)
•The intensity and consistency of their response pattern (e.g., the number of ""Likes"" they show across items, the number of "Dislikes" they show, and the consistency and/or inconsistency of their responses across identical occupations).
The WRIOT2 can be administered to individuals between the ages of 9 through 80 years and it takes about 30 minutes. The WRIOT2 is fun because participants examine colorful, attractive drawings that encourage direct identifications with occupations/jobs. Likewise, administration of the WRIOT2 is flexible and easy. It can be completed either in groups or individually and it can be administered using either a computer or through the use of a picture book and pencil-and-paper.
The WRIOT2 asks participants to indicate whether they like (L), dislike (D), or are undecided (U) about the work situations illustrated in 238 pictures. Can I stop and resume testing later?
If it is desired to quit WRIOT-2 prior to finishing the test, do the following:
•Press [Ctrl]+E. This brings up an additional dialog window.
•Choose Save from the window.
When you are ready to finish the test, you can click Resume and select the student file. It will be marked with their First Name, Last Name, and Age.
How long does WRIOT-2 take to complete?
The test takes approximately 30 minutes to administer. It can be taken on the paper answer document or via a computer software.
How to backup and move to a new PC
The WRIOT-2 software does not keep databases for the test administrations that are performed in the software. There are 3 types of files that should be kept.
•.TXT files - Unscored test data.
•.PAID files - Scored test data.
•.CSV files - Tabular scored data.
Follow the steps below:
To backup the data:
1.Go to C:\Program Files\Wide Range\WRIOT2
2.Hold the [Ctrl] key and click the folder: \tabularData, and \testData.
3.Right click on one of the highlighted folders and choose Copy.
4.Browse to the location you are backing up the files to, and Right-click and choose Paste.
To restore a data backup:
1.Browse to the backup location that was chosen.
2.Hold the [Ctrl] key and click the folder: \tabularData, and \testData.
3.Right click on one of the highlighted folders and choose Copy.
4.Browse the the location chosen for install on the new PC. This is usually C:\Program Files\Wide Range\WRIOT2.
5.Right-click and choose Paste.
Additional Notes:
Make sure to keep your data in a safe location during PC to PC transfer.
How to purchase uses
How to purchase uses:
You will need to be at your PC in order to increase the balance of uses for WRIOT-2 tests.
Follow the steps below:
•Open the program. Start > Programs > Wide Range > WRIOT2
•Press Ctrl+S. The key code window comes up.
Additional Notes:
Call 1-800-211-8378 to receive a code to activate the desired number of uses. Please have your billing information available when you call.
How to use the travel disc
How to use the travel disc
The Travel CD is provided as a courtesy to allow testing on as many PCs as you like. You are free to install it on as many PCs as are necessary for your test senerio. The Travel disc install does not count uses.
Follow the steps below:
At the begining of the install you will be prompted to choose a output location. A unique .TXT file will be out put to that location. This is a unscored administration that can be taken back to the primary installation and be scored.
Additional Notes:
The software also provides the ability to output to a printer. It is suggested to always take advantage of this option in case of software data loss.
For score entry, if necessary, 0 is Like 1 is dislike 2 is undecided
I am receiving the following during installation: "Invalid Registration Number"
Installing the WRIOT-2 software will require the use of the registration number that is specific to the software CD-ROM disc. That information is found on a buisness card included in the WRIOT-2 software kit.
If you cannot install the program, and you have questions about the registration number, please contact the Technical Support Center for assistance at 1-800-249-0659 or e-mail us at esupport@pearson.com.
Please include the following in your email:
•Your name
•School or company name
•Mailing address
•Telephone number
•Software product title and version
•ISBN number
•Details about the problem
Is Internet Explorer required?
The software does use the Internet Explorer browser to display the report. The minimum version that can be used is 5.0. If you are disallowed from using Internet Explorer, please contact your technology officer for assistance modifying this policy.
The WRIOT-2 software does not open
The application WRIOT-2 may be blocked by certain software firewalls. It has been noted that Zone Alarm has caused the WRIOT-2 not to launch successfully. The software will display in the Task Manager, but the interface will not run. This is because the software uses a local port and it is blocked.
To resolve this issue, turn off the Zone Alarm or other firewall software during use of the WRIOT-2 software. You may also choose to allow all local port requests if the version you have allows. For further support on this issue, please contact the vendor of your firewall.
System Requirements
The WRIOT-2 test software is compatible with Windows 98, NT 4.0, ME, 2000, and XP. It is not compatible with Windows 95, Vista or any version of Mac OS. Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher is required.
It is suggested to use a display resolution of 800x600 or higher during test administration.
Unable to install Flash
The installer can hang during installation with the message "Unable to install Flash". This can be caused by the software's inability to detect the version of Flash that is already installed on the PC. To work around this, do one of the following.
Go to the web address below to download the latest version of the Flash player or browse to the WRIOT-2 CD-ROM and open the file uninstallflash.exe. This removes existing versions of the Flash player, and will allow the install to finish.
Unscored data is lost
A problem can arise when doing the following:
•Click Open
•Choose Unscored
•Click Cancel
This can cause the loss of an unscored test file. This issue has been identified and fixed. Please download the latest update by clicking the link below.