Age out of range at testing
Error Description:
Age out of range at testing
Error at Examinee Data Screen: The Date of Birth may revert to the current date and give a PsychCorpCenter error, "The date entered must be earlier than the current date. Please correct." To avoid this error, enter the Date of Birth and immediately press the [Tab] key on the keyboard....
14 Apr, 2010
Views: 3689
Are the WISC-IV and WIAT-II co-normed?
Frequently Asked Question:
Are the WISC-IV and WIAT-II co-normed?
There is a very large linking sample. A co-norm would imply that they were done at the same time, which they were not. WIAT-II preceeded WISC-IV by a few years. This linking sample permits the clinician to do anything they can do with a co-normed pair of ability and...
25 Mar, 2010
Views: 5987
AS_rep.mdb :-2147467259 /Error line 90 Unrecognized database format
Error Description:
AS_rep.mdb :-2147467259 /Error line 90 Unrecognized database format
Use Windows Explorer or My Computer to locate the folder C:\TPC\PsychCorpCenter\Report.
Locate the file { AS_rep.mdb }. Highlight the file.
Click File, Delete.
Close all open applications and go to...
30 Jun, 2010
Views: 3488
Can I upgrade my WISC-IV kit to a WISC-IV Integrated Kit?
The WISC-IV is made up of 15 subtests. For current owners of the WISC-IV, the WISC-IV Integrated Upgrade Kit (item number 0158983106) adds 16 subtests to the original WISC-IV.
WISC-IV Subtests: WISC-IV Integrated...
30 Jun, 2010
Views: 5086
Cannot access the PsychCorpCenter systems in the folder C:\TPC\PsychCorpCenter due to insufficient privileges
Error Description:
Cannot access the PsychCorpCenter systems in the folder C:\TPC\PsychCorpCenter due to insufficient privileges
This error means that your user needs to be given full account specific permissions to the following folders:
C:\Program files\PsychCorpCenter
Please see your IT department for...
20 Mar, 2012
Views: 3640
Cannot get a FSIQ score
Frequently Asked Question:
I cannot get an FSIQ score.
If the raw score for two or more subtests is zero, the PCI and the FSIQ will not be generated on the report. Please refer to pg. 50 of your WISC IV Admin and Scoring Manual for detailed information about "zero" scores subtests.
05 Apr, 2010
Views: 3955
Downloading and Using the WISC-IV General Ability Index Utility
Follow these steps to download the Microsoft® EXCEL application and obtain the General Ability Index for WISC-IV. Please note that this utility is supported in Microsoft® EXCEL 2000 or higher.
You may not save any data on the GAI utility. Excel’s Save commands will be disabled.
Any data entered directly on the...
19 Apr, 2010
Views: 18042
Enter raw scores or standard scores
Frequently Asked Question:
Do I enter raw scores or standard scores?
The WISC-IV Scoring Assistant Assessment Screens provide for the input of Raw Scores only. There are no options for entering Scaled Scores, Converted Scores, or Quartile Scores. The software does the conversions automatically in the scoring process.
If you...
05 Apr, 2010
Views: 8474
Error -1608: Unable to Create InstallDriver Instance
Error Description:
Error -1608: Unable to Create InstallDriver Instance
When running an installation on your computer, one of the following error message occurs at the beginning of the installation:
Error 1608: Unable to create installDriver instance, return code: -2147319784"" or Error -1608: Unable to create InstallDriver...
14 Apr, 2010
Views: 25607
Error 1311 - dat1.cab could not be found
Error Description:
Error 1311 - dat1.cab could not be found
Source file not found (cabinet): D:\filename.cab. Verify that the file exists and the user can access it
Setup executed an invalid Instruction
StringProduct_name was not found in String Table
Unhandled exception Error #0x80040706 Description Object reference not set
14 Apr, 2010
Views: 5121
Error 429 / error line 240, You do not have the appropriate license to perform this functionality
Error Description:
Error 429 / error line 240, do not have the appropriate license for this functionality
Object variable or width block variable not set
Modmain runtime error 430, class does not support automation or does not support expected interface
Error 53 Location Pcc_processNewProducts: TPCASmdbEngine.cls Line 220 Source Asutil.dll
Error 3265...
10 Dec, 2010
Views: 5569
Error 53 location PsychCorpCenter process new products tpcasmdbengine.cls line 220
Error Description:
Error 53 location PsychCorpCenter process new products tpcasmdbengine.cls line 220
This error occurs when you install the WISC IV SA version 1.0, 1.0.1 and 1.0.3 after updating your WAIS-III/WMS-III/WIAT II Scoring Assistant to version 1.0.5. To correct, please follow the following steps.
Use My Computer or...
30 Jun, 2010
Views: 3318
Error in text filter Cannot write to file (1-1d05)
Error Description:
Error in text filter Cannot write to file (1-1d05)
If the report does not open properly, it may be necessary to re-install the third party word processor application. Make sure that all data files for the word processor are backed up prior to uninstalling and re-install the word processing program.
If you...
14 Apr, 2010
Views: 5657
How do you select the FSIQ or PRI?
Frequently Asked Question:
How do you select the FSIQ or PRI?
With PsychCorpCenter open, navigate to the report wizard on the bottom right hand corner of the screen and select WISC-IV-WIAT-II Icon. This will open a candidate selection box in which you can select your candidate. Note: Both the WISC-IV and WIAT-II must be...
05 Apr, 2010
Views: 5039
If a substitution is not made, will the scoring assistant prorate the score?
Frequently Asked Question:
If a substitution is not made, will the scoring assistant will prorate the score?
Substitution is the preferable method when one of the subtests of the WISC-IV assessment is invalid. However, if a substitution selection is not made, then a message will appear alerting you to the fact that if a...
05 Apr, 2010
Views: 7071
Internal Error 2738 Check for MDAC/ Error 1603
Error Description:
Internal Error 2738 Check for MDAC/ Error 1603
Error 1603 Feature transfer error fatal error
If you receive the above error message download and install the file { scr56en.exe } from Microsoft's website. You can get a copy of the file { scr56en.exe } from the following link, just copy and...
08 Jun, 2011
Views: 3494
Invalid use of Null WISC_IV_ASRO:Int_CreateIntegratedRawScores Error Number 9 /Error Line: 10
WISC-IV WIAT II_RSO-REPORT SERVER:INITIALIZE wisc-wiat scoring 94 Error Line 10 Invalid use of Null
Error Description:
Invalid use of Null WISC_IV_ASRO:Int_CreateIntegratedRawScores Error Number 9 /Error Line: 10
WISC-IV WIAT II_RSO-REPORT SERVER:INITIALIZE wisc-wiat scoring 94 Error Line 10 Invalid use of Null
You may need to install updates for your PsychCorpCenter products, please make sure the following steps are done either...
14 Apr, 2010
Views: 3258
Is there any way to calculate the General Ability Index using the WISC-IV scoring assistant?
Frequently Asked Question:
Is there any way to calculate the General Ability Index (GAI) using the WISC-IV scoring assistant?
The WISC-IV General Ability Index is calculated using a utility outside of the scoring assistant. Read carefully before continuing. Please make sure your macro security level is set to low in Microsoft...
13 Apr, 2010
Views: 16017
modMain: Main error# 70 / error line 90 permission denied
Error Description:
modMain: Main error# 70 / error line 90 permission denied
This error is received when you do not have enough rights to the install folder. Please contact your IT staff to obtain permission (Full Control) for your program folder and its contents. This is typically C:\Program Files\PsychCorpCenter or C:\TPC if you...
14 Apr, 2010
Views: 4789
Please wait this might take a several minutes
Frequently Asked Question:
I am receiving the following message when installing: "Please wait this may take several moments"
If your system locks up while you see "Please wait this may take several moments," your network might have a firewall or proxy in place that is preventing the installer from accessing the Web Key Delivery...
30 Jun, 2010
Views: 7373