A student already exists with the same Name
When entering a new student record, the user may see a message saying that the student already exists, but it will also ask if they wish to move that student record into their class. This means that the student record already exists at another school. If they choose yes, the student record and all historical assessments will be moved into their class. The...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 588
After searching for a student, the Edit Student link is disabled
This button is disabled when the student is not available at your current level. Roster is a way to view where the student is assigned, and the student can be re-rostered if this feature is available to you. Please ask your WELLA Administrator to perform this function if it is not available to you.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 524
Cannot create reports
Please disable all pop-up blocker software prior to using WELLA Rapid Reports. Reports will be viewed by pop-up blocking software as undesirable, and therefore, will be blocked.
Note: Users now have the ability to view multiple reports at once within the WELLA online service. To do so, simply check the boxes in the left column for each report they...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 566
Cannot enter student results for another teacher
When user accounts are setup in WELLA, the user is given or denied the right to enter student data for another teacher. There is a check box that must be filled to give this right to the user. The check box is labeled ""Check here if this user will enter student data for other users.""
Refer to the district admin for help changing this in your user...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 547
Customer relations
You can reach Customer Relations for WELLA Online at 1-800-622-3231.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 558
Enter data outside of an active test window
Student data can only be entered into WELLA Rapid Reports, when there is an active test window. Back dated assessments can be entered during open test windows.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 522
Exporting data
The export file feature allows a district or school administrator to export student data to a text file. With this file, you can transfer the information into a spreadsheet application. The Export Data Map shows you the file format for the exported data. You can view this map from the Account Administration screen.
Creating Export File
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 567
How do I delete a student account
Student accounts can be deleted from the Student Demographics page within the WELLA online service. Often times, however, customers find that the ""Delete"" button on the Student Demographics page is greyed out. This is most often due to assessment information having been keyed in for the student account in question. Student assessment information must be...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 6381
How to clear temporary internet files
1. To delete all your Temporary Internet files 1st right click on the Internet Explorer icon on your desktop or access Internet options from the control panel then, click on the Delete Files button. It will ask you to confirm your action and will permanently delete your files when you click OK.
2. The to delete cookies, click on the Delete Cookies...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 557
How to create and view reports
1.Logon to WELLA Rapid Reports and select Create Report from the Main page
2.Enter the following information:
Report Type- Student Report (English), Student Report (Spanish) or Class Proficiency Report
Region, District, School and Class for the Class Proficiency Report. If creating a Student Report you must also select the student or select ""All...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 549
How to create group reports
You can create Individual Student Reports or Class Proficiency Reports within the SELP service. Report choices include: Student Report (English), Student Report (Spanish), and Class Proficiency Report. Select Test Period, Report Type, School, and Class. With Student Reports, you can select either the individual student, or all students in the selected...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 550
How to create report
Follow the steps below to create a report in WELLA Online.
1. Logon to WELLA Rapid Reports and select ""Create Report"" from the Main page.
2. Enter the following information: Report Type, Region, District, School and Class (for the Class Proficiency Report ). If creating a Student Report you must also select the student.
3. Click on Submit Request...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 545
How to enter new student information into WELLA
Enter New Student:
You can use the Enter New Student menu option to enter a new student into Rapid Reports. Follow these steps:
1. Logon to Rapid Reports and select Enter New Student from the Main page.
2. Enter the required information for Region, District, School and Class - select the appropriate levels for the student from the drop down lists...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 582
How to roster a student
Depending on the rights you have been assigned within your WELLA account, you may not have access to roster students. In this case your School or District Admin will need to perform these steps for you.
1.) Moving a child to another class within your school:
A. Logon to Rapid Reports and select Search Student from the Main page.
B. Choose the class...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 543
How to view class lists
You can view your class lists of all students in your class by
1. Clicking on search students.
2. Choosing the region, district and school that the classes are set up under.
3. Choose the class listed under the school you have chosen.
4. Click next and your list of students for that class will be displayed.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 527
Interpretation issues or content issues with scores or reports
AZ State Contacts:
Rolanda Bell 602-364-1997 rbell@ade.az.gov
Mickey Gutier 602-542-7469 mgutier@ade.az.gov
Any questions regarding Score Interpretation issues or content issues with scores or reports for the AZ SELP contract need to be directed to Barbara Dillard(AZ Contract Manager) at 1-210-339-5000 ext 5645
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 566
Mark student as eligible or ineligible
Begin at the Main Screen and open the Student Demographics screen. If the student is ineligible for the test based on his/her screening results, check the corresponding checkbox. After you check the checkbox, you may not enter any student data. However, you can save the entered demographic information.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 516
Printed reports show unrecognized characters
If you are able to correctly see the report on your screen but when you print to an HP LaserJet 1160 and some of the characters print out as unrecognized characters from the website or when saving the report as a file on your system, Make sure you are using a PCL5 driver for this printer and in the advanced printer setup options, place a check in ""print...
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 517
Printing is blank
Adobe Acrobat is used to display the .PDF file for the report. Please choose the print button on the Acrobat interface to print. Choosing File > Print in the browser may cause undesired effects.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 519
Save and Score Assessment button is grayed out
This situation may occur if upon creating a new student, the ineligible checkbox is checked and then the clear button is clicked. The workaround for this situation is to click Main on the left side and re-enter the assessment.
02 Apr, 2010
Views: 539