A type of score calculated from an examinees raw score (number correct) that enables comparison of scores earned by the same student on different tests or by different students on the same test. Raw scores can be misleading because the number correct is only meaningful relative to the total number of items on the test. A raw score of 70 on a test with 71 total items cannot be directly compared to a raw score of 70 on a test with 150 total items. Converting raw scores to one or more different derived scores is useful for interpreting the student's performance because it converts all scores to common units of measurement.
The amount by which a value (score) differs from a reference value such as the mean, the norm, or another score.
A screening test used to detect and identify an examinees areas of deficiency or weakness within a particular academic subject area. Diagnostic tests provide a basis for prescribing remedial education.
A group of scores that has been separated for reporting and comparison purposes into constituent subgroupings such as ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. Disaggregation allows parents and teachers to see how each student group is performing.
An AIMSweb District User type; the District Manager can edit and view data for every school within the designated district.
An AIMSweb user level; AIMSweb District Users are District Managers and Superintendents and can access information for all schools within the designated district.