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  • Open-ended Item
  • See constructed-response item.
  • Out-of-level Testing
  • The administration of a level of a test to students at a level (age or grade) other than that for which the test was designed. For example, a fourth-grade student given a test designated for use in the fifth grade.
  • Parallel Form
  • See equivalent form.
  • Percentile
  • Within a distribution of values, a point below which a certain percentage of the values fall. See also percentile rank.

  • Phonemic Awareness
  • The ability to hear and identify individual sounds in spoken words.
  • Practice Effect
  • The beneficial influence of previous experience with a test on a later administration of the same or similar test.
  • Prinicipal User
  • An AIMSweb School User type.  The Principal User can view AIMSweb data for every student and classroom within the designated school.
  • Proctor
  • Someone assigned to supervise students during the administration of an examination. A proctors duties may include the distribution and collection of test materials, providing instructions to the examinees, and observing student behavior during the test. Also called a test administrator.
  • Progress Monitor Teacher
  • An AIMSweb School User type; the Progress Monitor Teacher User is a teacher, already added to the account, who has access to the Progress Monitor software.
  • Prompt
  • A spoken or printed statement or question to which a user responds, e.g., a reading passage, picture, chart, or other form of information and instructions. Prompts generally require the user to provide a constructed response.

  • PSF
  • Phoneme Segmentation Fluency
  • QDM
  • Quantity Discrimination
  • Quartile
  • One of three points that divides a group of ranked scores into four groups of equal size. The first quartile (25th percentile) separates the lowest quarter from the group; the middle quartile (median or 50th percentile) divides the two lower quarters from the two upper quarters; and the third quartile (75th percentile) separates the top quarter from the group.
  • R-CBM
  • Reading- Curriculum Based Measurement
  • R-Path
  • Reading- Pathway Passage
  • R-Span
  • Reading- Spanish Curriculum Based Measurement
  • Raw Score
  • The number of items per test or subtest that a student answers correctly. Because the total number of items varies from test to test, raw scores cannot be directly compared with each other. For example, a raw score of 18 on a 20-item test has a significantly different meaning from a raw score of 18 on a 40-item test. So that they can be directly compared, raw scores are generally converted to scaled scores and other derived scores.

  • Reference Population
  • The group or sample of test takers represented by a tests norms. The reference population may be defined in terms of examinee age, grade, ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status, and whether the examinee is an English language learner. See also representative sample.
  • Regular and Progress Monitor Teacher
  • An AIMSweb School User type; the Regular and Progress Monitor Teacher User is a teacher, already added to the account, who has access to the Benchmark classroom and Progress Monitor software.
  • Regular Teacher
  • An AIMSweb School User type; the Regular Teacher User is a teacher, already added to the account, who has access to the Benchmark classroom software.
  • Reliability
  • The degree to which the results of an assessment can be counted on to consistently measure student knowledge, skills, and performance in particular subject areas. A test is reliable when: tasks or items that measure the same thing produce consistent scores over time the administration of multiple test forms or multiple administrations of the same form to the same students produces consistent results Reliability is generally expressed in terms of a reliability coefficient and/or standard error of measurement. A higher reliability coefficient for a test means that the resulting scores will have smaller random measurement errors. A tests validity depends on its degree of reliability
  • Reporter
  • An AIMSweb Customer User type; the AIMSweb Reporter User can view data from every school and district within the AIMSweb account.
  • Representative Sample
  • A group of individuals selected or sampled from a larger population that exhibits the characteristics of the larger population. See also reference population and sample.
  • ROI
  • Acronym; Rate of Improvement.
  • RTI
  • Response to Intervention
  • RTI User
  • An AIMSweb School User type; the RTI User is a teacher, already added to the account, who has access to the RTI, Benchmark classroom, and Progress Monitor software.
  • Rubric
  • Written guidelines used to assess and score student responses to test items. The rubric describes the standards of work expected from the student to achieve each grade or score point. See also exemplar, anchor.
  • S-CBM
  • Spelling- Curriculum Based Measurement
  • Sample
  • A representative portion of a larger population selected for studying the characteristics of the larger population.

  • Scaled Score
  • A mathematical transformation of a raw score that allows for direct comparisons of scores earned by a student across subtests on a common interval scale. Scaled scores are also converted into other useful derived scores that describe a students test performance.