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  • Local Norm
  • A standard, model, or pattern regarded as the typical composed from direct and relevant data within the AIMSweb account.
  • Local Norms
  • Norms that have been obtained from data collected in a limited locale, such as a school system, county, or state. They may be used instead of or along with national norms to evaluate student performance. See also norms.
  • LSF
  • Letter Sound Fluency
  • M-CBM
  • Math- Curriculum Based Measurement
  • M-CBM 2
  • Math- Curriculum Based Measurement 2
  • M-CBM AP
  • Math- Curriculum Based Measurement: Application and Process
  • M-CMB-2
  • Math- Curriculum Based Measurement 2
  • M-LNF
  • MIDE Letter Naming Fluency
  • M-LSF
  • MIDE Letter Sound Fluency
  • M-SRF
  • MIDE  Syllable Reading Fluency
  • M-SSF
  • MIDE   Syllable Segmentation Fluency
  • M-Syll Spell
  • MIDE Spelling
  • Maze
  • Maze- Comprehension
  • MCAP
  • Math Concepts and Applications
  • Mean
  • The arithmetic average of a set of values (scores) found by summing the scores and dividing the total by the number of scores in the set. For a group of examinees, the mean score is intended to represent the score earned by the typical examinee.
  • Median
  • The middle score in a normal distribution or set of ranked scores. On a vertical scale, the point above which half of the data points lie, and below which the other half of the data points lie. Equivalent to the 50th percentile.
  • MNM
  • Missing Number
  • N or n
  • The symbol commonly used to represent the number of cases (students) in a group or sample.
  • Near Target
  • The Progress Monitor progress summary used for an individual student assessment schedule when the student has a rate of improvement between +.5 and -.5 corrects of the required rate of improvement necessary to attain the Progress Monitor Goal.
  • NIM
  • Number Identification
  • Non-response
  • The failure to obtain a response on a test item.
  • Norm-Referenced (Reports)
  • A reporting method which uses a relevant population, or average, as the basis of comparison to determine an outcome.
  • Norm-referenced Test (NRT)
  • A standardized assessment, the results of which are interpreted in relation to the performance of a larger reference population taking the same test. Usually the reference population (or "norm group") is a national sample representing a wide and diverse cross-section of students. The purpose of norm-referenced score interpretations is usually to rank students and not to measure achievement toward specific performance criteria. See also criterion-referenced test.
  • Normal Curve Equivalent (NCE)
  • A normalized scaled score with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 21.06. This score is most often used to enable test users to manipulate the test data algebraically. In contrast to percentile ranks, normal curve equivalents provide an interval scale; thus, they should be used instead of percentile ranks when interpolating or averaging scores.
  • Normal Distribution
  • A frequency distribution for a set of variable data that in graphic form has a distinctive bell-shaped appearance symmetrical about the mean (middle). Scores are concentrated near the mean and decrease in frequency toward the tails of the curve. The shape of a normal distribution curve is defined by its mean and standard deviation. Many academic and ability measures assume a normal distribution of results.
  • Norms
  • Mathematical conversions, score distributions, and related statistics derived from test scores of a large reference population of examinees. Norms data are regarded as representing the typical or average students performance on the associated assessment. Norms are generally presented in tabular format by grade or age and are used as a reference point against which scores earned by other groups of students taking the same test or subtest are compared.

  • Norms Tables
  • See conversion tables.
  • NWF
  •  Nonsense Word Fluency
  • Observed Score
  • The actual score a student earns on a test. The observed score differs statistically from the students true score by the standard error of measurement.
  • OCM
  • Oral Counting