Are we leveraging other Pearson behavior products with this new module?
AIMSweb Behavior will be leveraging the Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) from the BASC™-2 family of products, and parts of the Social Skills Improvement System (SISS) products as universal screeners for either behavior or social skills. We will also be leveraging other behavior intervention resources, such as the BASC™-2 Classroom...
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2336
Can I view all of interventions offered in AIMSweb Behavior?
Yes. The AIMSweb Behavior module provides a series of “filters” that can be used to view available interventions that are matched to problem behavior type. For example, problems in aggression would “filter” a different set of interventions than problems with distractibility or depression. These filters are also based on the type and level of...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 2782
Can the behavior module be pre-ordered? How?
Yes. Customers can pre-order the AIMSweb Behavior subscription, but it will not be available to use until fall 2010. Updated order forms including AIMSweb Behavior will be available on the website soon.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2040
Do I have to use all of the AIMSweb Behavior components?
No, you do not have to use all components provided in the AIMSweb Behavior module; you can choose any component in isolation or together. However, using all components provides one of the most comprehensive approaches to implementing a behavioral RTI solution. Use of the Benchmark components helps to ensure that all students are being evaluated for the...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 2430
How can I use AIMSweb Behavior to support school-wide behavior initiatives?
AIMSweb Behavior is customizable to fit a variety of school applications, including Positive Behavior Support programs or similar initiatives. Each component is customizable based on school needs. One or more benchmark tools can be used to identify at-risk students; alternatively, other methods can be used (such as office disciplinary referral records) to...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 3599
How do I know if a student’s behavior is getting better?
Student behavior is best judged on three criteria: (1) Immediacy of change when the intervention is introduced; (2) the trend or direction of the change; and (3) the stability of the change. A strong intervention will ideally produce an immediate change in behavior if the behavior is a performance deficit and not a skill deficit. A skill...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 2637
How do I set goals for Progress Monitoring?
When setting progress monitoring goals, it is important to set goals that are achievable within the time period of monitoring, and that are within a student’s ability level; this is similar to how goals are set for an academics (e.g., one would not a select high verbal skill goal for a student that is currently non-verbal). When trying to improve...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 6035
How long does it take to administer each form?
The forms (in paper-and-pencil format) each take about 5 minutes to complete.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2870
How much does it cost?
This new module will be a $1 per student upgrade to any AIMSweb subscription – but can also be purchased as a standalone for $4 per student.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 6757
How much time does it take to complete the benchmark tools?
The benchmark tools are designed to be quickly administered and completed. The BESS Teacher Form is 27 items, and is completed in about 3 to 5 minutes (the first few forms completed by a teacher can take up to 5 minutes, and the remaining forms are typically completed more quickly, in about 3 minutes each). The Student Form is 30 items; administration...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 3219
What guidelines or standards are the behavior benchmark or progress monitoring
assessments based on?
Like other decision-making tools that AIMSweb offers (e.g., Curriculum-Based Measurement), Behavior is designed to be curriculum (or "standards") independent, offering the capacity to assess important general outcomes. AIMSweb Behavior is a
toolkit designed to support RTI in a multi-tier model including Positive Behavior (PBS/PBIS) through screening,...
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2712
What is AIMSweb Behavior?
AIMSweb Behavior is a new module designed specifically for Response to Intervention
(RTI) and positive behavior support programs in grades K-12. Now teachers, PBS
specialists, and other professionals can work together to identify behavior issues early,
intervene within the classroom, and measure student improvement.
The behavior module provides:
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 7088
What reports will be available?
The AIMSweb system will include several options in addition to the academic reports currently offered within the system. Individual academic reports will have the option of displaying a behavior tracker section; behavior-only reports for individual students will
also be available. For group reporting, there will be the ability to see group comparisons...
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2233
When should I try using a different intervention?
The interventions provided in the AIMSweb Behavior module were developed from the intervention science literature across disciplines of psychology and education. Each is designed to provide positive results immediately or in a brief amount of time. However, the actual amount of time in which positive results can be seen depends on the unique...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 2258
When will it be available?
AIMSweb Behavior will be rolled out fall 2010.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 1914
Which benchmark tool should I use?
The AIMSweb Behavior module offers four benchmark tools that are useful in identifying possible problem areas for a student. The Behavioral and Emotional Screening System (BESS) tools screen for a variety of behavioral and emotional problems. The BESS Teacher Form can be used in grades K-12 and the BESS Student Form in grades 3-12. Selection and use will...
19 Aug, 2010
Views: 2962
Who administers the benchmarking forms?
Teachers will be administering the forms for and with their students, or the student may
administer it themselves (grades 3-12). Obtaining information from both student and
teacher is ideal.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2229
Why isn’t AIMSweb Behavior addressing more intensive intervention at tier 3?
AIMSweb is a screening and progress monitoring assessment system intended for the general education population. However, in addition to benchmarking all students, AIMSweb is very well suited to progress monitor students in Tier 3 or Special Education.
Pearson has a wide variety of high quality diagnostic tests and in-depth interventions to meet the needs...
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2694
Why should I use both teacher and student forms for the behavior benchmarking?
Using both teacher and student input for benchmarking provides a well-rounded picture of the student. An advantage of having the student complete a benchmarking form is that research with the screener (BESS) has shown that internalizing problems are less likely to be overlooked if the student form is used.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2022
Will there be training or professional development available for AIMSweb
Absolutely. We are currently working on a training schedule and will have more information available soon.
16 Jun, 2010
Views: 2220