Error Description:
Unable to load Appx_c1-C10 Files
If you are receiving this error message "Unable to load Appx_c1-C10 files", the CMS install folder has been moved. If the folder can be placed in the original location C:\CMS it should be. If you are unable to move it back to the default program directory or do not know where it was moved from, here is a work around to resolve that issue.
- Locate the CMS.ini file usually located in the C:\Windows folder it may be located in the C:\Winnt folder
- Right click on this file and choose "Open With" if open with is not an available option, then hold down the Shift+right click on the file "Open With" will now be an option.
- Choose Notepad from the list of available programs to view this document
- Once the document is open locate Path=c:\CMS-SA\Tables\
- Change the path to correctly reflect the install path of the software.
- Close the document and choose to Save when prompted
- Locate the shortcut to the software
- Right click on this file and then left click on Properties
- Edit the target location and start in location to match the path that the software is installed to.
- Click Apply and then Ok
The software should now function normally.