It is possible to install Q Local onto Windows 8, but the customer MUST have a version 2.8 CD and must NOT be using Windows 8 RT
The user will need to click through the installer as usual and ignore the various warnings that will pop up during the install process. Once the install is done, have them start QLocal to verify that it completed successfuly.
The HASP driver for the report counter is not installed during install so we need to install it manually:
- Close QLocal if it is open
- Insert the report counter into the machine
- Insert the QLocal 2.8 CD if it is not already in the machine.
- Hold down the Windows key (usually found inbetween the Ctrl and Alt keys) and press 'E' A Windows Explorer window will appear on the desktop.
- Right-click the CD/DVD drive icon and select "Open" from the pop-up menu.
- Open the "Hasp Driver" folder. Inside will be a single executable file, have the customer double click it to run the driver installer.
- Once that is done, the red light on the counter should come on.
- Start QLocal and click 'View Report Inventory' to verify the counter is working. If the inventory window successfully comes up they are ready to go!