Article ID: 4053
Last updated: 14 Jul, 2010
Error Description:QLocalInstall.log shows: Return Code 1603
summary.txt shows: Installation of MSXML failed
Unable to install Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005. (1603 or 1605)
Resolution:When the software is installing Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005, an error appears saying "Unable to install Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005.
Installation will exit.".
This error is given when there is an issue with the MSXML Parser 6.0. To resolve this error please uninstall the MSXML Parser 6.0 from the Windows Add and Remove program. If MSXML Parser 6.0 is listed multiple times remove all entries listed. After all entries are removed install the Windows Clean Up utility and verify that MSXML Parser 6.0 is not found in this list. If so, remove the entries.
It is likely that you will see entries for MSXML 6.0 Parser and MSXML 4.0 Parser. Do NOT remove the 4.0 entries. Only remove the MSXML 6.0 Parser.
After you have completed removing the component mention above. Reboot the computer and reinstall.
QLocalInstall.log shows Return Code 1605
Summary.Txt is incomplete or can’t confirm an error.
This error typically points to an issue with the MSXML Parser 6.0. Further investigation is needed to confirm this. Please gather the following log files:
C:\Documents and Settings\[user]\Local Settings\Temp
SQLSetupXXXX_[server name]_Core.log *
QLocalInstall.log *
SQLSetupXXXX_[server name]_SQL.log file
SQLSetupXXXX_[server name]_MSXML6_1.log
Note: SQLSetupXXXX. You may see many files with this naming convention. For example, SQLSetup0009 or SQLSetup0010. You will need to gather the files with the greatest value. They are the most recent set of files.
When you are looking in the MSXML6.log and you see a Return code of 1605. You can confirm an issue with the MSXML Parser 6.0. Please resolve in the following manner:
1) Empty Temp folder
2) Remove the three SSEE components (VSS Writer, Native Client, Setup Support Files)
3) Uninstall MSXML Parser with the standard combination of A/R Wizard and Windows Cleanup Utility.
After you have completed removing the components mention above. Reboot the computer and reinstall.