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Why does Roster not show up for me

Article ID: 1791
Last updated: 02 Apr, 2010

A user must have both 'Enter data for others' and 'Editing' rights in order to be able to re-roster.

If you have not been given these rights by your SELP administrator, please contact them for assistance with changing the examinee's roster.
If the Administrator cannot re-roster the examinee, check that there is not a pre-existing assessment for this student. To ensure that student is scored correctly, they cannot be re-rostered from the 'Roster' screen if this is the case. You can re-roster a student that has an assessment entered from the Student Demographics screen. This is not recommended because performing this action will delete the student scores and the student's scores will need to be reentered.

Article ID: 1791
Last updated: 02 Apr, 2010
Views: 513
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