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Why are some students in my class missing from the Class Proficiency Report

Article ID: 1708
Last updated: 13 Apr, 2010

Frequently Asked Question:

Why are some students in my class missing from the Class Proficiency Report


There are a few reasons this may occur:

  1. The student may not have an assessment in the current test period.
  2. The student's assessment may have been given while the student was in another class and the stuedent was later re-rostered or moved to your class. For this second case, you may still see this student's scores by generating an Individual Student Report.
  3. Finally, check to see if there is another class with a slightly different spelling. If two orders are received by Harcourt, and the same class is spelled differently in each order, then Harcourt will create two separate classes since the program doesn’t know these are the same class.
Article ID: 1708
Last updated: 13 Apr, 2010
Views: 487
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