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If a substitution is not made, will the scoring assistant prorate the score?

Article ID: 107
Last updated: 05 Apr, 2010

Frequently Asked Question:

If a substitution is not made, will the scoring assistant will prorate the score?


Substitution is the preferable method when one of the subtests of the WISC-IV assessment is invalid. However, if a substitution selection is not made, then a message will appear alerting you to the fact that if a substitution is not made, the scoring assistant will prorate the score.

  1. Verbal Comprehension Composite: Substitute Information or Word Reasoning for Similarities, Vocabulary, or Comprehension
  2. Perceptual Reasoning Composite: Substitute Picture Completion for Matrix Reasoning, Block Design, or Picture Concepts.
  3. Working Memory Composite: Substitute Arithmetic for Letter Number Sequencing or Digit Span.
  4. Processing Speed Composite: Substitute Symbol Search or Coding for Cancellation.

If a supplemental subtest score was not provided, the corresponding checkbox and drop-down boxes will be disabled. Thus, the 'Not Available' text will be displayed in the substitution subtest drop-down list box.

Article ID: 107
Last updated: 05 Apr, 2010
Views: 7071
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