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Downloading and Using the WISC-IV General Ability Index Utility

Follow these steps to download the Microsoft® EXCEL application and obtain the General Ability Index for WISC-IV. Please note that this utility is supported in Microsoft® EXCEL 2000 or higher.


  1. You may not save any data on the GAI utility. Excel’s Save commands will be disabled.
  2. Any data entered directly on the spreadsheet’s cells will be overwritten by the utility when the Score GAI Button is clicked.
  3. To reenter data, select the Input Data Button.

  1. Click the link below to save the tool to your computer.
  2. When prompted, click on the "Save" button and select a location on your local computer. (The tool will not work if "Open" is selected instead of "Save.")
  3. When prompted, click Enable Macros.
  4. Upon launching the tool for the first time, you will be prompted to accept the Software License Agreement.
  5. Click the Input Data Button. A window will display to enter all demographic data.
  6. Enter all demographic data, the PRI and VCI Sum of Scaled Scores, and the FSIQ.
  7. Click the Score GAI Button.
  8. The GAI Scores Summary and FSIQ – GAI Discrepancy Comparison scores are presented.