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Invalid use of Null WISC_IV_ASRO:Int_CreateIntegratedRawScores Error Number 9 /Error Line: 10 WISC-IV WIAT II_RSO-REPORT SERVER:INITIALIZE wisc-wiat scoring 94 Error Line 10 Invalid use of Null

Error Description:

Invalid use of Null WISC_IV_ASRO:Int_CreateIntegratedRawScores Error Number 9 /Error Line: 10
WISC-IV WIAT II_RSO-REPORT SERVER:INITIALIZE wisc-wiat scoring 94 Error Line 10 Invalid use of Null


You may need to install updates for your PsychCorpCenter products, please make sure the following steps are done either by your IT department or when you are logged in as an admin to the machine.

Before downloading the updates to apply on the machine, first open PsychCorpCenter in order to see which products you have installed. Log in and then click on Help, then about PsychCorpCenter and then Product info. Record each product you have installed.