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How can I use AIMSweb Behavior to support school-wide behavior initiatives?

Article ID: 4221
Last updated: 19 Aug, 2010

AIMSweb Behavior is customizable to fit a variety of school applications, including Positive Behavior Support programs or similar initiatives. Each component is customizable based on school needs. One or more benchmark tools can be used to identify at-risk students; alternatively, other methods can be used (such as office disciplinary referral records) to identify at-risk students. These students can then be tracked in the AIMSweb Behavior system. Action plans can be created for students receiving tier two interventions that are implemented in small groups or school wide, in which targeted intervention strategies can be selected that are applicable to a student’s needs. Progress monitoring can be done at a frequency level that is palatable for your school. AIMSweb Behavior provides the supports, best practice recommendations, and evidence-based interventions: you can select the options and combinations that are best for your campus. AIMSweb Behavior enables access to a data management system for record keeping and decision making that can be used across the school.

Article ID: 4221
Last updated: 19 Aug, 2010
Views: 3599
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Do I have to use all of the AIMSweb Behavior components?     How do I know if a student’s behavior is getting better?