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How to roster a student

Article ID: 1783
Last updated: 02 Apr, 2010

Depending on the rights you have been assigned within your WELLA account, you may not have access to roster students. In this case your School or District Admin will need to perform these steps for you.

1.) Moving a child to another class within your school:
A. Logon to Rapid Reports and select Search Student from the Main page.
B. Choose the class the child is currently in. If you want to see all of the children in this class, click Next. If you want a specific child from that class, enter his/her name and click Next.
C. You will see the child or children's names. Click Edit to the right of the screen.
D.Here you will see that child's demographics as well as the class they are currently in. Click on the drop down menu for Class and choose the class you would like to move them too. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

The page will refresh and you will see that the child's class and grade have now changed. If you don't know what class they moved into, you can choose Default Class.

2.)Re-roster to another school:
A. Logon to Rapid Reports and select Search Student from the Main page.
B. Choose the class the child is currently in. If you want to see all of the children in this class, click Next. If you want a specific child from that class, enter his/her name and click Next.
C. You will see the child or children's names. Click Roster to the right of the screen.
D. Choose the Region, District, School and Class you want to move the child to. Again, if you are unsure of what class they will be in, choose Default Class.
E. Click Save at the bottom of the screen.

NOTE: If the student you are trying to re-roster already has an assessment entered for the current test window, the student cannot be moved until after the current test window closes or the data from the current test window will be lost and have to be re entered.

Article ID: 1783
Last updated: 02 Apr, 2010
Views: 543
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