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What is the password

Article ID: 1762
Last updated: 02 Apr, 2010

SELP Password Lookup

1. We are not authorized to verify passwords. The District ELL Coordinators have access to their users' passwords. Refer the user to their District Admin with password questions.

2. If the caller is the District Admin, you can refer them to their State Admin. If you can validate that the caller is the actual user, you can reset their password and email it to the email address listed in the account.

3. Changes to the customer's account information should not be done without a documented request from an authorized requestor for the account. Whenever possible we should help the customer understand how to enter information like creating reporting windows, creating new districts etc. Generally speaking, we want them to enter the data into their account and not us.

4. We should never enter or edit student test results. The user rights for the 'tpcadmin' user does not allow them to go into the student data section of the application.

Article ID: 1762
Last updated: 02 Apr, 2010
Views: 506
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