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MS Word compatible word Processor is not installed

Article ID: 3598
Last updated: 14 Apr, 2010

Error Description:

A Microsoft Office Word compatible word processor is required in order to view the generated report. If you do not have a compatible word processor to open ‘.doc’, files, please close the application, insert the product CD and choose the ;Install Word Viewer” Option.


The PsychCorpCenter-II platform requires MS word or a variant of MS Word such as Word Viewer to be installed on the computer to generate a report. If MS word is not installed, you can insert the PCC-II install CD and install the Word viewer from the main CD menu. Once Word Viewer is installed, open your PCC-II application and run your report.
If the above mention solution dose not resolve the error please call Technical support at 1-800-249-0659.      

Article ID: 3598
Last updated: 14 Apr, 2010
Views: 3843
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