Frequently Asked Question:
Examinee age at testing is out of range
You may receive the following error while attempting to enter a new CELF-IV assessment "Examinee age at testing is out of range. Subtest scores cannot be accepted for this age range. Please verify the Examinee's Date of birth and/or assessment date."
To back out of this area, change the assessment date backwards or forwards until the examinee's Age at Testing is between the range of 5.0 - 21.11 years (5 year 0 months - 21 years 11 months). You can then return to the Examinee Data screen and correct the examinee birth date.
The CELF-IV has been extended to include younger children. The full range is 5.0 to 21.11. (5 year 0 months - 21 years 11 months) Examinees outside of this age range should not be tested and scored with CELF-IV and the CELF-IV Scoring Assistant. Please refer to your test manual documentation for further instructions on administering the CELF-IV.