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Stop or Resume a Test Administration

Article ID: 492
Last updated: 30 Jun, 2010

Frequently Asked Question:

Stop or Resume a Test Administration


You can stop or discontinue a MicroCog test administration if an examinee becomes sick or he or she experiences problems. Please see your MicroCog documentation for the steps to use or contact the Pearson Technical Support Center at phone number 1-800-249-0659 or email to

Examinees press the letter P to pause the test, and any key to resume it. Testing resumes at the point of the pause.

If you wish to discontinue this subtest only and continue with the remaining subtests, press the letter C on your keyboard. Testing will resume at the beginning of the next subtest.


 If you wish to quit the test administration, press the letter Q to display the End-of-Test message.

3. Enter the password bye to close this message and return to the Test tab with the button Resume Test enabled.

Article ID: 492
Last updated: 30 Jun, 2010
Views: 3066
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