Article ID: 4056
Last updated: 18 Jan, 2011
Error Description:SC Command or Unable to remove the QLocalInstance of SQL Server.
QLocalInstall.log shows:
Found SQL Server status: 1
Found SQL Server status: 1
Found SQL Server status: 1
Found SQL Server status: 1
Found server status, service not running.
Unable to start QLOCALINSTANCE service.
This will be followed shortly in the log with:
Return code was: 2
Resolution:There are a number of messages the end user may get for this issue.
- Failed to Start SQL Server. The install will only go about 3-5 minutes (very short time) before stopping.
- Unable to remove the SQL Server. Please remove it manually after the installation is complete.
- Fatal error during installation.
- Unable to remove QLocalInstance of SQL Express. Please remove it manually when uninstall is complete.
This is most often seen with a corrupt install of Q local. The problem escalates when Q can’t uninstall the SQL Server (QLocalInstance) and it remains as a remnant on the system and needs to be removed manually. To remove the QLocalInstance manually follow these steps.
1) If they are upgrading from a previous version of Q 2.x, locate their .QBK file (Automated Back-Up File generated by Q when it shuts down) and drag/drop it to the desktop.
2) After verifying the .QBK file is on the desktop, browse to C:\Program Files\Pearson and delete the Q Local System 2 folder.
3) Go to DOS (Start > Run > Type CMD > Press OK)
Note: in Vista and Windows 7 it may be necessary to disable or turn off UAC (User Account Controls, located under users) before this command will work.
Alternatively, browse to the cmd.exe (default location = C:\Windows\SYSTEM32). Right-click on cmd.exe and select Run As Administrator. This will allow the user to make the changes in Vista.
4) Type the following into DOS
sc query MSSQL$QLocalInstance
You should then see in DOS:
WIN32_EXIT_CODE :0 (0x0)
5) Verify this is what the customer sees.
6) If so, type the following:
sc delete MSSQL$QLocalInstance
7) They should receive a message saying that it was successfully deleted.
8) Reboot Windows
9) Once fully rebooted have the customer take their 2.x Q Local Disk and install it.
*NOTE* this installation WILL FAIL and it’s supposed to. We are going to use the failed installation attempt to roll back the installed components and finish up the clean-up process.
10) Once it has failed and the customer is back to their desktop, reboot Windows.
11) When Windows fully reboots use the Q2.x CD and do the install again. This install should be successful.
12) Once the installation is complete and Q launches, restore from the .QBK file and restart Q Local to ensure the restore process is complete.
If for any reason this process does not work then an escalation to Level 2 is likely necessary.
Cheat sheet for commands:
sc -?
For Q Local.x
sc query MSSQL$MTxInstance
sc delete MSSQL$MTxInstance
sc query MSSQL$MTXInstance
For Q Local 2.x
sc query MSSQL$QLocalInstance
sc delete MSSQL$QLocalInstance
sc query MSSQL$QLocalInstance