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Article ID: 3871
Last updated: 25 Mar, 2010
AIMSweb offers several options for you to obtain the technical support and guidance you need: Use help by clicking the Help button at the top right corner of any screen within AIMSweb. A small window will appear with a description of your current page and instructions on completing tasks and special features of that page. At the top right corner of the AIMSweb screens are two buttons: Help and Logout. The help button provides page-specific information. This means that if you have a question on any page, such as”how do I (fill in the blank)?” or ”what is (fill in the blank)?,” you can click the Help button for more detailed information. Forum Click the Forum tab to view the Forum for AIMSweb. You can read questions and discussions previously posted by other AIMSweb users or post your own questions. These questions can be addressed to either the AIMSweb Technical Support Team or other AIMSweb users. After selecting the forum category, browse the category topics to find information relevant to your question. Click the topic link to view the original post and all subsequent responses. If you do not see a relevant topic, post your own. Posting a new topic 1. Click New Topic at the top of the Forum page. 2. In the Message Title, enter a brief description of the topic. 3. In the Message Text box, enter your question. 4. When you are finished, click the Post Thread button to post the topic on the Forum. AIMSweb Software Guides The AIMSweb software guides offer all the information a user needs to successfully navigate the AIMSweb system. 1. Click the Downloads tab. 2. Select the Training sub-tab to the left of the page. 3. Click the Manager's Setup and Management Guides and PowerPoint Presentations link to access all management-level software guides or click the User's/Reporters Software Guides and PowerPoint Presentations link to access all other users and reporter software guides. AIMSweb Technical Support Email AIMSweb Technical Support : You can send your support questions to the AIMSweb Technical Support Team at AIMSwebsupport@pearson.com. It is important to be as specific as possible when requesting technical support. The more information you provide a technician to begin with, the faster they will be able to help you. Send any data-related questions (i.e. adding state tests or questions about your import to AIMSwebdata@pearson.com.