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Why may a candidate’s percentile ranks appear different on their personal Score Report now than on a previous personal Score Report?

Frequently Asked Question:

Why may a candidate’s percentile ranks appear different on their personal Score Report now than on a previous personal Score Report?


Scaled scores for multiple-choice subtests are always reported on a scale of 200–600 and are always based on the number of core (live) items answered correctly.

Percentile ranks (PR) range from 1 to 99 and indicate a candidate’s performance relative to the current PCAT norm group (all first-time examinees from October 2004 through May 2007). Percentile ranks earned before June 2008 were based on the previous norm group. For this reason, a percentile rank may now be different for a given scaled score. For reporting purposes on all Official Transcripts sent to pharmacy schools and on duplicate or replacement personal Score Reports sent to candidates, percentile ranks obtained before June 2008 (when the current norms were introduced) have been converted to the equivalent current percentile ranks. This means that all candidates’ percentile ranks are being compared on the same ruler, no matter when a candidate took the PCAT.