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Letter Fluency. Under "F", the patient stated "fur ball".

Article ID: 2327
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2010

Frequently Asked Question:

Letter Fluency.  Under "F", the patient stated "fur ball".  This is not one word. Should utterance of "ball" be considered a "set-loss error", or, conversely ignored as not being an error?


Pg. 62 The general approach for developing the normative data during Standardization was to give the benefit of the doubt to the examinee and to score "close-calls" as correct.

To assess specific words provided by the examinee, It is suggested to use the most current and reputable online dictionary to first determine if the word provided is a real word or commonly used compound word:

In the example provided, "fur-ball" is not a real compound word according to most dictionaries. 

However, all Slang Words (pg. 64) should be scored as a correct response.  It is at the examiners discretion to determine if the slang word provided is common to the region (or community).  Being that "fur-ball" is a very commonly used word, "fur-ball" would be scored as correct for the LETTER F Condition.     

"fur-bell" on the other hand is an entirely made up word and would be considered 1 Loss of Set Error in the LETTER F Condition.

Article ID: 2327
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2010
Views: 3041
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