Article ID: 2327
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2010
Frequently Asked Question:Letter Fluency. Under "F", the patient stated "fur ball". This is not one word. Should utterance of "ball" be considered a "set-loss error", or, conversely ignored as not being an error? Answer:
Pg. 62 The general approach for developing the normative data during Standardization was to give the benefit of the doubt to the examinee and to score "close-calls" as correct. To assess specific words provided by the examinee, It is suggested to use the most current and reputable online dictionary to first determine if the word provided is a real word or commonly used compound word: In the example provided, "fur-ball" is not a real compound word according to most dictionaries. However, all Slang Words (pg. 64) should be scored as a correct response. It is at the examiners discretion to determine if the slang word provided is common to the region (or community). Being that "fur-ball" is a very commonly used word, "fur-ball" would be scored as correct for the LETTER F Condition. "fur-bell" on the other hand is an entirely made up word and would be considered 1 Loss of Set Error in the LETTER F Condition.