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No Base Rates in the Ability Achievement Discrepancy when the WIAT-II score exceeds the WISC-IV score

Frequently Asked Question:

Why does the software not report 'Base Rates' in the Ability Achievement Discrepancy when the WIAT-II score exceeds the WISC-IV score?


This is by design. A footer on the Ability-Achievement Discrepancy Analysis report states:

  • Base Rates are not reported when the achievement score equals or exceeds the ability score.

Base rates are reported only when the WIAT-II achievement score is less than the WISC-IV ability score. Base rates are not reported when the WIAT-II score equals or exceeds the WISC-IV score because the clinical utility of such data is limited based upon the feedback obtained from customers over the years. Customers have not previously indicated a need for base rates when the student is achieving equal or greater to his/her ability level.