If you do not have admin rights to enter student information, contact your administration and have them add the students for you. Enter the examinee information. The fields include: First, Last, MI, Region, District, School, Class Name, Class Grade, Email Address, Phone.
Enter New Student in Rapid Reports:
1. Logon to Rapid Reports and select Enter New Student from the Main page.
2. Enter the following information:
a. School and Class - select the appropriate levels for the student from the drop down lists
b. Enter the demographic information for the student as shown on the ERDA answer document.
c. When done, click Save to save the demographic information and return to the Main Menu
d. Click on Save and Score Assessment to save the demographic information and enter test results for this student.
If you selected Save and Score Assessment, enter the date of testing and the subtest scores.
Date of testing:
Subtest scores:
Phonological Awareness: Composite, Rhyming, Phonemes, Rimes, Syllables
Phonics: Letter Recognition, Pseudoword Decoding
Fluency: Word Reading, Target Words in Context, Passage Fluency Composite, RAN-Automaticity Composite
When done entering scores, click the Next>> button to view the Percentile and Category of Achievement for each strand. Use the Printer Friendly Version link to open a printable report for this student.