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What are the age ranges for the various report options?

Frequently Asked Question:

What are the age ranges for the various report options?


The DAS-II Scoring Assistant provides three standard report options:

  • Early Years Battery: Lower Level (ages 2:6-6:11)
  • Early Years Battery: Upper Level (ages 3:6-8:11)
  • School Age Battery (ages 5:0-17:11)

The DAS-II Scoring Assistant provides two additional reports when WIAT-II is installed and the Examiner wants to report on both assessments:

  • Early Years Battery: Upper Level (ages 6:0-8:11)
  • School Age Battery (ages 6:0-17:11)

Note: Ages outside 6:0 - 17:11 will not receive a Ability Achievment Discrepency Analysis in the report.