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TPCASProductExportItem: export error number: -2147024863 / error line: 30 method of object failed

Error Description:

TPCASProductExportItem: export error number: -2147024863 / error line: 30 method of object failed


Steps to recreate:

  • Click File | Export
  • Select any product with existing assessment to export
  • Open Excel and click Data | Get External Data | Import text file
  • Excel wizard not proceed through screens, but leave open (as if user sees the file, realizes something wrong, goes back to Psychcorpcenter to export again)
  • Go back to PsychCorpCenter and repeat same steps 1-3.
  • If name of export file is the same, then error is received

This is a documented issue which is outside the parameters of our control. If export file is in use, and user attempts to export using the same file name (or default name), then message will be received. Please make sure file is not in use or export using a different file name.