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Error -2147467259 error line 35, operation must use an updateable query

Error Description:

ModMain main: error -2147467259 line 35 operation must use an updateable query
Runtime error when installed by administrator
Permission denied 70 location pcc_process


Please verify the following:

  • You are logged into the workstation as the administrator.
  • Security software or other restrictions (especially to the system registry) have been disabled or removed.
  • No other software is running at the time of installation. This includes Windows Startup Items that show up in the system tray.
  • Make sure there are no old installation files for PsychCorpCenter or WIAT-II Canadian Scoring Assistant on another partition of the drive, or in other folders such as My Documents or under other profiles that the customer created previously.

Additional Notes:

Error -2147467259/line: 35, operation must use an updateable query. Please contact your technology officer, and have them change the permissions of the install folder. You will need to be granted Full Control of the folder that the software was installed to and all sub-directories. To resolve the issue, the update must be installed under the same login as the program was installed under.

The install folders are:



C:\Program Files\PsychCorpCenter