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6-Factor Worksheet does not match scoring assistant results

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The 6-Factor Worksheet does not match scoring assistant results


The six factor worksheet provides demographically adjusted norms based on a subset of measures from the WAIS-III and WMS-III. Tulsky & Price (2003) provide details regarding the rationale for the development of the 6-factor model. The 6-factor model uses a different configuration of subtests and draws from different normative tables subsequently differences may be observed in index scores derived using the 6-factor calculator compared to the scoring assistant. These differences occur because the polynomial equations used to derive the scores are different and are not a problem with the software.

Tulsky, D.S. & Price, L.R. (2003). The joint WAIS-III and WMS-III factor structure: development and cross-validation of a six-factor model of cognitive functioning.
Psychological Assessment, 15, 149-162.