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Digit Span Clinical Trials

The WAIS-III Canadian screen has 4 fields for the Digit Span trials:

  • Digit Span - Forward Total Score
  • Digit Span - Backward Total Score
  • Digit Spanned Forward
  • Digit Spanned-Backward

For the Digit Span Forward and Digit Span Backward total Score, the acceptable values are:

  • Digit Span-Forward Total Score: 0,1,2…..16
  • Digit Span-Backward Total Score: 0,1,2……14
  • These are the longest span that the client accurately recalled on each trial.

For the Digit Span subtest scores, enter the number of digits, not the raw score, for the
(Digit Span - Forward) and (Digit Span - Backward) trials. Use the longest span of digits the client accurately recalled on any trial. The acceptable range of values you can enter in these two fields is:

  • 0, 2, 3,. . .,8 forward
  • 0, 2, 3,. . ., 9 backward

Enter the total score in the (Digit Span - Total) field.

Notice that 1 is not an acceptable entry because no span can be comprised of just one digit. Enter the total score for Digit Span Total. For additional information on subtests and interpretation, see your WAIS-III Canadian test manual.