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Creating Subdistricts in GRADE/GMADE

Article ID: 4464
Last updated: 13 Feb, 2012
Sub-districts must be added during initial setup.  There is no way to add sub-districts after student, teacher, or class records have already been input.
If sub-districts are needed after data has been input, a new database must be created.  The following procedure describes how to export all test records from the existing database, recreate the database, add sub-districts, and import all test records into the new database.
Note: You must have your customer name and activation key available during this procedure.  This information is typically found on a sticker on the back of the installation CD.
Note: This procedure is applicable only if GRADE and GMADE share a database.
  1. Export a group merge-data file.
    1. Log into GRADE.
    2. From the Home screen, click Merge Data.
    3. From the “Export Group Student Data” section, click Export Data.
    4. Click Select All.
    5. Click Continue.
    6. Select a location for the merge-data file and enter a file name.
    7. Click Save.
    8. Repeat these steps for GMADE.
  2. Record district and school names/numbers.
    1. Click Administration Setup.
    2. Click the Test Sites tab.
    3. On the District screen, record the Site Name and ID Number values exactly.
    4. Double-click the district name to get to the School screen.
    5. On the School screen, record the Site Name and ID Number values exactly, for all schools.
    6. Repeat these steps for GMADE.
  3. Create a backup of the database.
    1. From the Help menu, select View Log Files.
    2. Scroll to the top of the Log Viewer screen.
    3. The second line displays “Connect to database: hsqldb:” followed by a path.
    4. Record the path, which is typically one of two locations:
         C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\ags\group
         C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ags\group
    1. Browse to the “group” folder in the specified path.
    2. Copy the “data” folder to a secure location.  This is the database backup.
    3. In the “group” folder, rename the “data” folder.  For example, rename it to “data_old”.

  1. Create subdistricts.
    1. Open GRADE.
    2. Enter the Customer Name and Activation Key.
    3. Click Continue.
    4. Log into GRADE.
    5. The Setup page displays.  Enter the District Name and ID Number exactly as recorded in step 2 above.
    6. For the question Does your district have subdistricts?, select Yes.
    7. Enter one Subdistrict Name and ID Number.  (Additional subdistricts will be added later.)
    8. Enter one School Name and ID Number exactly as recorded in step 3 above.  (Additional schools will be entered later.)
    9. Click Continue.
    10. Click Administration Setup.
    11. Click the Test Sites tab.
    12. Double-click the district name to get to the Subdistrict screen.
    13. Click Add to enter additional subdistricts.
    14. Double-click the subdistrict name to get to the School screen.
    15. Click Add to enter additional schools.  Be sure to add schools in their appropriate subdistrict.
    16. Repeat these steps for GMADE.
  2. Import the data-merge file.
    1. From the Home screen, click Merge Data.
    2. From the “Import Data From Another GRADE Database” section, click Import Data.
    3. Select the GRADE merge file.
    4. Click Open.
    5. Click OK.
    6. Click Merge Edit.
    7. In the group menu, there should be no errors or warnings.  The groups should not be highlighted red, orange, or yellow.  It there are errors, please contact Technical Support.
    8. Click Import All.
    9. Repeat these steps for GMADE.
  3. Verify student test scores display as expected, and then continue using GRADE/GMADE as normal.
Please contact Technical Support if you have any questions: 800-927-7470 option 5.
Article ID: 4464
Last updated: 13 Feb, 2012
Views: 564
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