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How do the state test correlation target scores relate to those generated by the AIMSweb “correlation” function based on data from a single district?

Article ID: 4336
Last updated: 01 Apr, 2011

In principle, target scores could be set for individual districts, and the AIMSweb software has in the past included an analysis program that enables a district to calculate target scores based onits own data. However, there are conceptual reasons for setting target scores at the state level.

It makes sense to assume that two students in the same state who have the same AIMSweb benchmark score will have the same estimated probability of success on that state’s end-of-year test, regardless of the district they attend. However, if Success Probability
target scores were calculated separately for individual districts within a state, they would vary substantially as a function of the within-district passing rates, for the reason described in the preceding section. Districts with relatively low pass rates would obtain high target scores. For this reason, AIMSweb supports state-level or national-level target scores.

Article ID: 4336
Last updated: 01 Apr, 2011
Views: 2441
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