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Article ID: 3877
Last updated: 19 Apr, 2010

Report Descriptions
Norm Chart
This report displays the Fall, Winter, and Spring norms from all customers for the current year in a graphical format.
 Customer, District, School
This report displays the Fall, Winter, and Spring norms from the students within your account in a graphical format.
Norm Table
This report displays the Fall, Winter, and Spring norms from all customers for the current year in a tabular format.
 Customer, District, School
This report displays the Fall, Winter, and Spring norms from the students within your account in a tabular format.
Aggregate Norm Table
This table displays Fall, Winter, and Spring norms from all AIMSweb customers for all Benchmarked School Years.
Compare Schools
Customer, District
This report compares all schools within the entire account or district.
Compare by Grade
Customer, District
This report compares Fall, Winter, and Spring Benchmark scores from a single grade level.
Score Distribution
 Customer, District, Grade, Class
This report displays the assessment results by percentage of students or number of students who scored within intervals of 10. 
50th Percentiles
Customer, District, School
This report displays the 50th percentile scores by school year.
Above/Below Target
Customer, District, School, Grade
This report displays the percentage of students per Benchmark period that are above and below the benchmark target configured by the customer, district, or school.
Average by Period
Customer, District, School, Grade
This report displays the average score by benchmark period.
Correlation Chart
Customer, Grade
This report displays the correlation between the General Outcome Measure score and standardized test score. This report requires that state data has been uploaded into your account. Please contact for more information.
Correlation Table
This report displays the correlation between the General Outcome Measure score and standardized test score in a tabular format. This report requires that state data has been uploaded into your account. Please contact for more information.
Achievement Percentages
Customer, District, School, Grade
This report displays Fall, Winter, and Spring Benchmark data for all grades within the AIMSweb account.
Customer, District, School, Grade, Class
This report displays the average score per benchmark period based on the selected comparison group.
Summary of Impact
School,  Grade,  Class
This report separates the student data into thirds and groups the students accordingly. 
Customer, District, School, Grade, Class
This report displays the number of students and their corresponding scores, in intervals of 10 with the corresponding instructional recommendation.
Compare this School
This report compares the selected school using a selected composite. 
Scores and Percentiles (Rainbow)
Grade, Class
This report displays a list of students ordered by benchmark scores with a corresponding potential instructional action.
Scores and Percentiles
Grade, Class
This report displays student scores based on a selected correlation point.
Score Matrix
This report displays student scores for all measures in the selected grade, highlighting scores that are below the benchmark target
This report is a graphical representation of the Scores and Percentiles report and displays student scores ordered from highest to lowest for the selected grade and Benchmark period. 
Average Scores by School Year
This report displays the average score for an entire school year from each grade. 
Average Scores by Home room
This report displays the average score by benchmark period for all teachers within the selected grade and school.
This report displays the benchmark period performance against a selected composite. 
Instructional Recommendations
Grade, Class
This report displays each student’s score, percentile, and status for each measure within the skill. 
Tier Transition
Customer, District, School, Grade, Class
This report provides a comparative snapshot that tracks student progress and movement across fall, winter, and spring periods, based on the three-tier RTI model. This report displays both high-level and student-specific data and trends.

Article ID: 3877
Last updated: 19 Apr, 2010
Views: 4330
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