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Race/Ethnicity not on Report

Article ID: 371
Last updated: 05 Apr, 2010

Frequently Asked Question:

Race/Ethnicity not on Report


Race is not relevant unless you are using Demographically Adjusted Norms. However, the clinician would normally mention the race of the child in the final report.

If the user selects to report a WAIS-III or WMS-III using the Demographically Adjusted Norms, the following selections must have been made or a informational message will display at report time indicating that these fields are required in order to calculate scores using the demographically adjusted norms:

  • Examinee's Age
  • Examinee's Education/Grade
  • Examinee's Ethnicity (normative data is only available for the following: White not Hispanic Origin, African/African American, Hispanic)

If the examinee is of any other ethnic background other than the 3 listed above, you can only score the WAIS-III, WMS-III using STANDARD norms. No normative samples exist to support demographically adjusted norms for the other ethnic backgrounds.

Article ID: 371
Last updated: 05 Apr, 2010
Views: 1980
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