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The sum of scores must equal a certain value

Article ID: 115
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2010

Certain scores that are entered into the Scoring Assistant have validation rules associated with them. If these rules are not followed, you will get a window telling you that the sum of scores must equal a certain value. Please check the subtest validation matches those listed below.

Specific page validations

Auditory Attention and Response Set:
If both the AA Total Correct and AA Total Omissions Errors are entered, then the sum of these two must equal 30.
If both the RS Total Correct and RS Total Omissions Errors are entered, then the sum of these two must equal 36.

Theory of Mind:
TM Verbal Score should be < TM Total Score.

Design Copying:
If the user has entered all 4 Design Copying Process scores (DCP Motor, DCP Global, DCP Local, and DCP Total), the system will validate that the sum of the Motor, Global and Local scores equals the Total Score.

Memory for Designs:
The system will validate the entries for each trial before scoring and reporting. If more responses per trial are entered than allowed (MAX designs per trial in trial column) or if a duplicate card number is entered in the grid, the system will display the Invalid Values for Scoring Warning Message.

The system will validate that the sum of the Total Uncorrected Errors and Total Self-Corrected Errors for each section (Naming, Inhibition, and Switching) is not greater than 80. If any of the two error types for each section are greater than 80, the system will present the Invalid Total Errors Warning Message.

Behavioral Observations:
None of these fields, always at the bottom of the page, is required. So only for these fields there will never be a warning message when left empty.

Article ID: 115
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2010
Views: 2934
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