- Below Target
The Progress Monitor progress summary used for an individual student assessment schedule when the student has a rate of improvement less than or equal to .5 corrects of the required rate of improvement necessary to attain the Progress Monitor Goal.
- Benchmark
A measurement according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own performance. Also used in AIMSweb software as a term for a grade and Benchmark period-specific goal.
- Benchmark Class
An arrangement of students by grade and teacher for use with the Benchmark data entry.
- Benchmark Period
The designated dates used to administer AIMSweb Benchmark assessments to students three times a year.
- Benchmark Target
Measure-specific definitions (in the form of numbers) of standard or required performance used for comparative purposes. The Benchmark Target is sometimes obtained by using the 50th percentile of the local norm. Benchmark Targets are determined on an account, district, or school basis.
- Benchmark Test
A test measuring specified instructional standards that can be used to gather "baseline" information and compare students' level of achievement from one time period to another