- Ability Achievement Discrepancy
A substantial difference between a student’s anticipated achievement, as indicated by intellectual ability, and actual achievement.
- Above Target
The Progress Monitor progress summary used for an individual student assessment schedule when the student has a rate of improvement greater than or equal to .5 corrects of the required rate of improvement necessary to attain the Progress Monitor goal.
- Account
A short term for “user account” describing the unique login and view of a user.
- Achievement Test
An assessment that measures the extent to which a student has achieved or learned something, acquired certain knowledge, or mastered certain skills.
- Active Schedule
The state of a current Progress Monitor assessment schedule when displayed and maintained from the Progress Monitor Caseload homepage.
- Adaptive Test
A test, typically computer based, that automatically tailors itself to the achievement level of the test taker. The test poses a set of baseline questions and, depending on the answers given, guides the test taker to easier or more difficult questions
- Age-based Norms
Normative data grouped by students ages rather than grade. For example, age-based norms allow the comparison of a 10-year-old test takers strengths and weaknesses to a reference population of 10-year-olds taking the same test. See also norms and grade-based norms.
- Aggregated Scores
The combined results for a group of students, such as all fourth-graders, taking the same or equivalent assessments administered in a standardized way; often expressed as an average.
- AIMSweb Benchmark
A system used to manage, evaluate, report, and chart the results of three times per year Benchmark assessments for grades K-8.
- AIMSweb Manager
An AIMSweb Customer User-type; the AIMSweb Manager can edit and view data for every district and school within the AIMSweb account. This is the highest level of Management.
- AIMSweb Progress Monitor
A system which allows teachers to monitor students at risk or those students with more severe educational needs more frequently to evaluate the effects of interventions and document appropriate instruction changes.
A data-driven standard process protocol used to organize, evaluate, and document the Response to Intervention for determining a students’ special services eligibility.
- AIMSweb Strategic Monitor
A system which allows teachers to assess at-risk students monthly and monitor the effectiveness of instructional change.
- Alpha-bar
A graphic used in the AIMSweb software displaying the alphabet letters A-Z as individual buttons.
- Anomaly Reporting
The documentation of any discrepancies, irregularities, or incidents that occur during the administration of a test. Examples include interruptions, distractions, examinee illness, and equipment failure.
- Aptitude
An individual's inclination or tendency to learn or to develop certain skills if appropriate education is provided.
- Aptitude Test
A test that predicts a person's future performance or capacity for learning.
- Assessment
A systematic collection of information, usually through the administration of tests, used to measure user performance or aptitude.
- Average
A value that indicates the most typical score of a group of scores, often referring to the sum of a set of scores divided by the number of scores in the set. Averages are helpful when describing general patterns or trends in test scores.
- Below Target
The Progress Monitor progress summary used for an individual student assessment schedule when the student has a rate of improvement less than or equal to .5 corrects of the required rate of improvement necessary to attain the Progress Monitor Goal.
- Benchmark
A measurement according to specified standards in order to compare it with and improve one's own performance. Also used in AIMSweb software as a term for a grade and Benchmark period-specific goal.
- Benchmark Class
An arrangement of students by grade and teacher for use with the Benchmark data entry.
- Benchmark Period
The designated dates used to administer AIMSweb Benchmark assessments to students three times a year.
- Benchmark Target
Measure-specific definitions (in the form of numbers) of standard or required performance used for comparative purposes. The Benchmark Target is sometimes obtained by using the 50th percentile of the local norm. Benchmark Targets are determined on an account, district, or school basis.
- Benchmark Test
A test measuring specified instructional standards that can be used to gather "baseline" information and compare students' level of achievement from one time period to another
- Caseload
A number of cases handled in a given period. AIMSweb terminology referring to Progress Monitor and RTI account home pages used to display active student listings.
- Class
The student listing and arrangement by homeroom teachers.
- Cognitive Skill
A persons ability for thinking, reasoning, and applying logical thought processes
- Composite Score
A single score used to express a combination of scores, by averaging or summation, from several different tests administered to a single examinee
- Computer-based Testing (CBT)
A form of test administration wherein a test is adapted to a computerized format and displayed to the examinee using a personal computer, an Internet connection, and a browser. The examinee typically responds to the test items using the keyboard and mouse with the results transmitted over the Internet connection to a remote location for scoring. CBT may also require the installation of specialized software on the examinees computer. CBT frequently offers the option for immediate scoring and delivery of results.