Cannot print report to network printer or printer not listed as default

CVLT-C Scoring Assistant is designed to print to your Windows default printer. If you must print to another printer, change your printer settings to list that printer as default before launching the CVLT-C software.

If the message ""Cannot Load"" appears when attempting to print, and the program appears frozen, it may be necessary to select an alternate printer driver for CVLT-C to use. Your IT department or your printer manufacturer can suggest specific printer driver downloads for your printer and computer. Once an alternate printer driver is loaded, use the Printers Control Panel and select File, Print Setup to select the alternate printer to replace the default printer selection. Click OK when finished.

You may continue to print the CVLT-C Scoring Assistant report using the Window | Report pull down selection from the CVLT-C Scoring Assistant menu bar. At the bottom of the preview screen select Print and ensure the alternate printer driver is selected.

If you continue to experience printing problems, check for the following:

These steps should not be performed unless you have a thorough knowledge of your Windows system and network architecture. Please contact your IT department or computer technician for assistance.

Article ID: 669
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — C — -> CVLT-C SA Win -> Cannot print report to network printer or printer not listed as default