Error in text filter Cannot write to file (1-1d05)

Error Description:

Error in text filter Cannot write to file (1-1d05)


If the report does not open properly, it may be necessary to re-install the third party word processor application. Make sure that all data files for the word processor are backed up prior to uninstalling and re-install the word processing program.

If you receive error messages similar to "Error in text filter" or "Cannot write to file (1-d05)" when trying to save a report to file, check your word processor to ensure it can open documents prepared by other word processing programs. WAIS-III/WMS-III/WIAT II Writer can save reports in the following formats:

If you can only open the file in Microsoft WordPad, your MS Works does not have the correct import filters and cannot recognize the file types. Please contact your local IT department, MS Works support, or the computer manufacturer support line for further assistance.

Also, make sure your if you are saving this to disk that your disk is not full. This will generate an error if you attempt to do this.

Article ID: 63
Last updated: 14 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WISC-IV Scoring Assistant -> Error in text filter Cannot write to file (1-1d05)