Error Number -2147206429/Error Line:0, Description: Invalid TLV record

Error Description:

Error Number -2147206429/Error Line:0, Description: Invalid TLV record


This error occurs during report generation and has been included as a fix in the Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales Scoring Assistant Update available for download.

The Brown ADD Scoring Assistant Update addresses the following issue:

This revision addresses these issues and is comprehensive of any updates previously released. Please do the following to resolve your issue.
1. Go to
2. Click on the download button.
3. Choose the download product updates link
4. Choose Product Updates for 32-bit Windows .
5. Choose other products
5. Find your product in the product update list and click on the update button
6. Click on the links to download the software and install it. Choose in the order they are listed. Choose the Platform first, download and then install and then do the updates.
7. If during the installation it asks for an authorization code please call us at 800-249-0659 and we will obtain this for you.
8. Reboot your computer after the installs.

Please note that when you are prompted to remove or repair, choose repair - removing the software would completely uninstall the program from your PC. 

You will need to run the update for all you software that you have installed on your computer. You only need to install the platform once because it is the same for all the products

Note do the following if you are on a network with restricted access.

Article ID: 296
Last updated: 02 Jul, 2010
Software Support -> — B — -> Brown ADD Scales Scoring Assistant -> Error Number -2147206429/Error Line:0, Description: Invalid TLV record