ABAS II information

The Adaptive Behavior Assessment System®-Second Edition (ABAS®-Second Edition) test and Windows software were published in Fall 2003.

ABAS-II is primarily a downward extension Birth to 5.6. The product now ranges from 0-89. There are additional forms and the new AAMR composites are included.

ABAS II and ABAS II Scoring Assistant are new products. There is no price break or upgrade from the old test and software to the new ABAS II test and software.

Please note:
Please note that the ABAS Scoring Assistant is not the same as ABAS II Scoring Assistant and there are differences in the norms and age groups. ABAS II Scoring Assistant is not available as an upgrade and does not support PDA or item level entry. A Home Language field was added to the Examinee Data screen on the platform as a result of our Educational software requirements.

The old ABAS forms (for ages 5-89) can be used with the new software; however, the tab order may be different.

If you need additional assistance, please contact the Technical Support Center by phone at 1-800-249-0659 (commercial 1-817-820-3703) or by email at esupport@pearson.com.

Article ID: 17
Last updated: 07 Apr, 2010
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