The graphs are plotting the incorrect scores

Frequently Asked Question:

The graphs are plotting the incorrect scores.


The WISC IV program requires that you have your display settings set at 800x600 screen size, 256 color display, and small fonts selected. If your system does not have its display set to these configurations, the program will not function properly.

  1. Begin at the desktop with all open programs closed.
  2. Right-click the mouse on a blank section of the desktop and select Properties.
  3. Click the Settings tab.
  4. Move the slider bar for display/desktop resolution to 800x600.
  5. If color is not set to 256 colors, click the arrow at Color Palette and select 256 colors.
  6. Click Apply to save the changes.
  7. Font Size must be Small Fonts; change if set to Large Fonts or Others. If font size is not shown, click Advanced and make the changes.
  8. Click Apply.
  9. Click the Appearance tab.
  10. Scheme should be set to Windows Standard. Click the arrow to select and click Apply to save.
  11. Click OK to exit Display Properties.

Also, Regional Settings and Date & Time must reflect the correct settings for accurate configuration.

Check your system settings to ensure you are using standard U.S. date formats:

  1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, and Regional Settings.
  2. On the first tab for Regional Settings Properties, check for the correct country and language (English US).
  3. Click the Date tab and ensure that the Short Date Style format is set correctly. This setting must allow for MM/dd/yyyy. The Long Date Style needs to be set at MMMM dd, yyyy.
  4. Make changes as needed and click Apply, OK, to save the changes.

Check your clock settings for accuracy

  1. Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Date & Time.
  2. Check and correct the month, day and year, and time. Click Apply.
  3. Also, check and correct for the time zone. Click Apply.
  4. Close and restart the computer.

DPI settings can also affect the graphs and plotting incorrect scores

DPI setting should be set to Normal size (96 DPI) a large size (120 DPI) setting will have to be changed to 96 DPI to allow the graph to plot correctly. A restart will have to take place if the DPI setting is switched from (120 DPI) to (96 DPI).


  1. Right-click on your Windows Desktop.
  2. Click on Properties.
  3. Choose the Settings Tab.
  4. Click the Advanced button.
  5. Change the Font Size to either ""Windows Small"" or ""Normal"". The DPI setting will probably be 96.
  6. Click on ""Apply"" and ""OK"".
  7. Launch the program again and recreate the report. The subtests should appear correctly on the Graph now

Article ID: 72
Last updated: 30 Jun, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WISC-IV Scoring Assistant -> The graphs are plotting the incorrect scores