Share not loading

Frequently Asked Question:

Share not loading


The CVLT-C Scoring Assistant software manual has instructions on page 1.3. to add Share to the {autoexec.bat} file. Follow these steps to edit the file with your word processor software:

Under Windows 95 and 98, the file {share.exe} must be loaded in your {autoexec.bat} file to run the CVLT-C Scoring Assistant application. If not, a General Protection Fault error may occur.

To add {share.exe} to your startup:

  1. Locate {share.exe} on your hard disk. Click Start and select Search or Find. Select All Files and Folders and ensure you are searching the entire hard drive. When you locate {share.exe}, write down the complete path.
  2. Add a line in your {autoexec.bat} file to load {share.exe}.

a. Use any word processor software that will edit and save DOS Text files (ASCII text) and open the {autoexec.bat} file.
b. Add the line with the path from step 1. The line will be similar to this:
If your copy of {share.exe} is in a different subdirectory, substitute the path you wrote down for c:\dos. The rest of the line must match the example.

  1. When finished, save the file and exit.
  2. In order for the change to take effect, you must reboot your computer.

This solution should not be performed unless you have a thorough knowledge of your Windows operating system. Please contact your Network Administrator or IT department technician for assistance.

Article ID: 618
Last updated: 08 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — C — -> CVLT-C SA Win -> Share not loading