Hardware and Web Site requirements for Q-Interactive

Frequently Asked Question:

What are the Hardware and Web Site Requirements for Q-Interactive?



A personal computer with access to the Internet through a standard browser (e.g., Apple® Safari® 4.0 or higher Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7.0 or higher, etc.) and iTunes® installed is not strictly necessary to use Q-interactive, it can be helpful when ordering subtests, exporting data, and to those clinicians administrating multiple Q-interactive installations for groups of users.
*As new digital devices become available to consumers, the Q-interactive team will conduct compatibility tests. It is our intention that Q-interactive will be compatible with those digital devices that are most commonly used by our customers.

Article ID: 4555
Last updated: 31 Jan, 2013
Web Support -> Internal Articles -> Q-Interactive -> Hardware and Web Site requirements for Q-Interactive