Is there a process for beginning the new school year?

Graduate each school, beginning with the school serving the highest grades. For example, if your district comprises a high school, middle school, and elementary school, you would graduate the high school first. Then, continue with the graduation of the middle school and finish with the elementary school. This prevents promoting students twice or leaving students in the wrong grade. After the graduation process, you will be prompted to transfer students to current or unlisted schools.

Note: AIMSweb recommends that you appoint one manager within your account or district to graduate the schools. This will prevent possible issues with schools being graduated more than once. The graduation process should only be performed once at the beginning of each new school year.

Graduate Students

  1. Log into your manager account.
  2. Click the Manage tab.
  3. Click the Districts link in the Navigation menu to open the Manage Districts window.
  4. Click Select in the Action column next to the district containing the schools to graduate.
  5. Click the Graduate link next to the school serving the highest grades in your district. This will advance every student within the school one grade level.
  6. After clicking the Graduate link, you will be asked to confirm the advancement.
  7. Click OK to continue the graduation.
    : Retained students will need to have their 'current grades' edited after the graduation process is complete.
  8. After each student has been advanced one grade level, the students who are in the highest grade served within the school need to be transferred to another school. After clicking the Graduate link, the Transfer Students window opens.
  9. If graduating the school serving the highest grade, select the Unlisted-School from the Transfer To drop down. If graduating the other schools in the account, select the school that they will be attending from the Transfer To drop down.
  10. Select the grade for the students leaving the school from the Grade After Transfer drop down.
  11. Check the boxes next to each student.
  12. Click the Transfer button.
  13. On the next screen, verify the information is correct.
    : If the selected school or grade is incorrect, select the correct information from the corresponding drop down menus.
  14. Click the Save & Next button to open the Transfer Summary window.
    : Click Print to print the transfer slips. We strongly recommend that you print the transfer slips when transferring students to the unlisted school. You will need this number to transfer the students back into your school. Once printed, you still need to complete the transfer process.
  15. Click the Finish button to open the Confirmation window.
  16. Click the OK button to complete the transfer student process. The transfer process is not complete until you click the OK button.
  17. Students who have been retained for that school year must have his/her grade manually lowered within AIMSweb.

Retain Students

  1. Click the Manage tab.
  2. Click the Students link in the Navigation menu.
  3. Search for the student you wish to retain by entering information in the Add a Student window.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Click the student’s name in the student list to open his/her information in the Edit Student window.
  6. Click Lower Grade on the bottom of the window to open the Confirmation window.
  7. Click OK to lower the student’s grade. Repeat this process for all students who need to be retained.

Article ID: 3879
Last updated: 25 Mar, 2010
Web Support -> AIMSWeb -> Managing Account Setup -> Is there a process for beginning the new school year?