Error Message: Could not find special directory 'My Documents'

Error Description:

TPC.PCC.Platform.Utilities.PCCException: An error occured at location: WIAT3.xfrmAssessment.LoadSkillsAnalysis()
Error Message: Could not find special directory 'My Documents'.
Source: Microsoft.VisualBasic


This error message suggests that the application (PsychCorpCenter) does not have access to the 'My Documents' folder. Please contact your I/T group for access to this folder.

For further assistance, please contact the Pearson eSupport Center at (800) 249-0659 Monday through Friday from 7AM - 6PM Central Standard Time.

Article ID: 3862
Last updated: 19 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WIAT-III Scoring Assistant -> Troubleshooting -> Error Message: Could not find special directory 'My Documents'