Cannot enter date of birth

Frequently Asked Question:

I cannot enter the date of birth


You must enter the date using the 4-digit format: mm/dd/yyyy. To enter a date of birth, use the mouse to click on the appropriate field. For data fields, use the mouse to click to the appropriate field and enter information.

Check the date entered for the Assessment date as well as the Date of Birth. Both must be accurate or the norms calculations will not be correct.

If the dates are entered correctly and the error continues, check your regional date settings in the control panel. WAIS-III WMS-III WIAT-II Scoring Assistant requires specific date settings for proper scoring of the assessments. If you experience problems entering or changing any dates, close the program and follow the instructions below:

Windows Regional Options:

Windows XP Regional Options:

Article ID: 374
Last updated: 12 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WAIS-III WMS-III WIAT-II SA -> Cannot enter date of birth