Out of Memory message when trying to generate report

Error Description:

frmmain:display report window
PsychCorpCenter out of memory  error number 7 error line 315


This error may indicate that the file CRViewer.dll has become corrupted or is missing. This file must be replaced in order for reports to generate using Crystal Reports in PsychCorpCenter.

Steps to resolve:

  1. Locate CRViewer.dll in C:\Windows\System32
  2. Rename file from CRViewer.dll to CRViewerold.dll
  3. Insert a working version of CRViewer.dll in C:\Windows\System32
  4. Re-register file by clicking on START, selecting RUN and typing: regsvr32 CRViewer.dll then press OK
  5. Should see a message stating DllRegisterServer in CRViewer.dll succeeded.

Additional Information:

Reports should now run normally. If you do not have access to a working version of CRViewer.dll, please contact technical support at 800-249-0659 or email esupport@pearson.com.

Article ID: 2124
Last updated: 14 Apr, 2010
Software Support -> — W — -> WIAT-II Scoring Assistant -> Out of Memory message when trying to generate report